Sunday 10 November 2013

My Journey with the Elizabethans- Inspiration from Pride and Prejudice (The Film)

Having watched Pride and Prejudice before, when the term 'Elizabethan' comes to mind, so do those kind of Royal Films and Tv Programmes.  Many of the female characters in the film have similar, although slightly more modern looking hairstyles to the Elizabethans.  They often include a lot of texture, and have been draped with jewels or plaits and ribbon.

 Image Credit: Classical influence in Regency fashion and hairstyles, ... | Period f…. (Online) Available at:  Accessed 10 November 2013.

In this particular scene of the film I was really drawn to the style of the blondes lady's hair.  I liked how it had been pulled back into a soft undo, draped with only a little decoration.  This is very minimalistic, a style that can be common in the modern day, therefore bringing in contemporary ideals.  The hair also has some texture at the front, but looks to have been kept a little more subtle at the back.  This style to me represents the kind of style the Elizabethans loved, but in an unusual, more flattering, youthful way.

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