Monday 25 November 2013

My Journey with The Elizabethans- My Timed Assessment- Self Evaluation

Today (25/11/13), I completed my Timed Assessment, during my Timed Assessment which was 1 1/2 hours, I had to apply my partner's Hair and Make Up design, onto them.  Overall, I was pleased with how the Assessment went, as Kira and I had practised several times, I felt I was confident with most elements of both the Hair and the Make Up Application. 

During the assessment I believe I was very hygienic, using hand sanitiser regularly, as well as having a well organised workspace.  Before I carried out any styling I did a consultation form, which I think was very valuable, as I found out the type and condition of Kira's hair, so I had an idea of any problems that needed to be taken into consideration and how to treat her hair.  I feel as I was prepared enough for the assessment and had a clear idea of the look Kira wanted me to create, as we had practiced several times both in studio and outside of classes.  I was very happy with how sleek I managed to get the ponytails before I crimped them, as Kira has a huge mass of hair that is prone to getting knotty very quickly, and is quite fiddly to handle.  Although I was pleased with how I executed Kira's Hair Design under the circumstances, I feel that I could have created a better shape by backcombing her hair more at the roots to give it more volume, and created a rounder, higher shape to emphasise the mohican style.

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