Monday 28 October 2013

The Hair Studio- Practical Week 3/4- French Plaiting

Another style we learnt in this week's practical was a french plait, this is a great and versatile style as it has never really gone out of fashion and is regularly on trend.

1.  Start off my brushing through the hair, making sure that any knots are removed.  Take a small section at the top of the head; making sure that it is clean and manageable so you have a good line to start off with.  Section this bit of hair into 3, making sure they are roughly all the same width, start off plaiting as you would normally, just once to make sure you have a strong base to start your French plait.  

2.  Once you have plaited your section once, place all strands in your left hand, keeping them all separated with your fingers. Then, gather a small even section of hair from the right side of the head, with your right hand and add it to the right strand.

3.  Bring the section that you have just added the hair to, over to the middle, and bring the middle strand to the right.  After you have introduced each section to the middle, don’t be afraid to give it a bit of a tight pull so that it stays nice and neat.

4.  Gather a section from the left side of the hair, and add this to the left strand. Again, bringing this section into the middle.  Always make sure that your hands are close to the head, so that the plait will always be tidy. 

5.  Follow these steps until there is no more available hair to add, finish your style with a basic plait. 

6.  To set the hair, you could use some hairspray.

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