Sunday 13 October 2013

The Hair Studio- Hair Practical Week 1- Washing and Conditioning Hair

In our first practical hair lesson, we were taught how to correctly wash and condition someones hair, this is usually the first step in any hair styling process.

1. Before even starting to think about washing the hair, we were taught to check for any contra-indications, this includes things like eczema, psoriasis, head lice etc.  Once you have established that there are no contra-indications, place a cape round your model/client and take them to the basin.

2. Once at the basin, place a towel over their shoulders, this stops any water dripping down their back.  Ask them then to place their head back into the basin, making sure they are always comfortable,  turn on the water and always make sure you check the temperature before you wet their hair.  It has been recommended that the best place to check the water temperature is your wrist.

3. Wet your model or clients hair, asking them regularly if the water temperature is still okay, ensure that all the hair has been covered and you are not letting water run down their face or get into their ears.  Take a small amount of shampoo in both hands and massage through the hair, making sure it is foaming up nicely.  If the shampoo doesn't seem to be foaming especially well, try adding a little bit of water before adding more shampoo.  Once the hair has foamed up well, rinse the shampoo off.  You may then want to shampoo their hair once more, following the same process.  You will know if the hair is clean, as it will start to make a slight squeaking noise.

4. The next step and final step is conditioning,  take a small amount of conditioner in the hands and focus on apply it to the mid lengths and ends.  Massage the conditioner through the hair, don't be afraid to press a little harder than usual when massaging the head, if you are unsure if the pressure is okay, ask your client.  After this, take a wide toothed comb and brush through the hair, making sure the hair is tangle and knot free, finally wash the conditioner out the hair, it is vital that ALL the conditioner is out before you start any kind styling process.

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